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What is Google Payday algorithm?

Ailsa Singh1717 29-Aug-2017

                      What is Google Payday algorithm?

Google Payday algorithm is a set of different algorithms updates whose main purpose is to identify and penalize the websites that uses search engine spam techniques to improve their ranks and traffic. We agree that ranking takes a lot of effort and dedication but using illegal ways is definitely not a good idea to rank high. Google payday algorithm is a step to filter out the low-quality websites that uses spam to boost their rankings. 

How is Google Payday algorithm is different from other Google algorithms

Google payday algorithms and other Google’s algorithm updates do share similarities to some extent. But they have an individual identity and completely different search engine improvement focus. Google Payday algorithms completely focus on penalizing the spammy websites or low-quality websites so that the high-quality websites can get more prominent results on the search engines. Google penguin, panda, hummingbird are completely different from the Payday update in so many ways. 

Benefits of Google Payday algorithm

Google payday algorithm was the much-wanted update from the Google. You might have come across many websites that were illegally gaining more ranks and traffic towards their website. This does not only made the users experience bad but also decreased the quality of the search results. If you do not much about this update then below mentioned are some of the benefits of Google payday algorithm.

All the low-quality websites that use spam techniques to get high ranks and traffic will get a penalty and even removed from the search engines.

High-quality websites will get more preference because they obviously deserve to rank high.

Users will easily get what they want without coming across the unwanted or irrelevant stuff.

Through this update, it will be easy for the business owners to easily reach to the people and their target audience. 

Goal of Google payday update

There are a lot of pages and websites that operate the illegal SEO tactics in order to get instant traffic and high ranks on the famous search engines. The main goal of this algorithm update is to raise the quality of the search results and to reduce the websites with relatively high spam rate. A lot of spam that are heavily targeted by this algorithm updates are the topic of loans, pornography, gambling, drugs etc. to name a few. Google payday algorithm has made the internet a better place to be in. The internet is now a happy and better place not only for the users but for the website owners that deserves to be on the top but couldn’t because of the spam websites. 


Google payday algorithm update is one of the best updates in existence today. It helps in cleaning up the websites that uses the incorrect way to get instant traffic and high ranks. This had a bad impact on the internet search results but not when this amazing and wonderful update came out. If you were not aware of this algorithm update then we hope this might have been helpful to increase your knowledge. If you use the right SEO tactics then there is nothing for you to worry about.

Also Read: Google Algorithms- why so important

Updated 07-Sep-2019

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